Modern Line – Virtus conference in Wrocław

14.03.2018 Modern Line – Virtus conference in Wrocław

We await the cycle Commercial Architecture of Virtus Studio conference, in which we will take part for the first time. We invite you to Wrocław on 15 March 2018.


The cycle “Commercial architecture” of the conference is devoted to the design, furnishing and revitalization of commercial and service facilities. We invite to Wrocław all architects and designers who want to learn about modern solutions and possibilities of our architectural concrete in public space.
Lectures of substantive partners:
„Drugie życie centrów handlowych – rewitalizacja” (Second life of shopping centers – revitalization). The lecture will be hosted by Danuta Barańska, the Creative Director of Tétris Poland.
“Zarys historii, geneza oraz zasady kształtujące architekturę komercyjną. Typologia oraz zasady projektowania obiektów handlowo-usługowych od XIX-wiecznych domów handlowych po współczesne
wielofunkcyjne obiekty wielkopowierzchniowe” (The outline of history, origins and principles shaping commercial architecture. Typology and principles of designing commercial and service buildings based on 19th century commercial buildings to modern multi-functional large-area buildings.) – Łukasz Daleczko – architect, investor supervision inspector.
„Życie po życiu, czyli problematyka rewitalizacji wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowo-usługowych” (Life after life, i.e. the issue of revitalization of large-area commercial and service buildings) – Łukasz Daleczko – architect, investor supervision inspector.

Ibis Styles Wrocław Centrum
plac Konstytucji 3 Maja 3, Wrocław
15 March 2018

Application for participation
12 429 55 20 int. 14, 882 188 089

You are very welcome!

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